Lionel Poizner
The Ontario Election Is Coming.
So much is at stake!
From the Desk of Lionel Poizner
Written on December 20th, 2017
Are you upset with the way our Ontario health care system has been gutted? Do you worry about all the massive wind turbines, some of which appear to have “poisoned” the water table? Does the lack of $10-a-day child care, or the provinces decision to have the government control the  recreational cannabis market make it hard for you to sleep at night? Does it bother you that Americans can purchase our surplus electricity for $0.02 per kWh yet we Ontario residents pay between $0.08 up to $0.18 per kWh for the electricity we use ourselves? Did the recent college strike impact you or your family? 
The Ontario government is noticeably quiet when it comes to these and many other issues. Does it make you as angry as it does me? 
I have never been one to bother much with politics. I was a proud Canadian and I thought our government was looking after us. WOW was I wrong. You see my friend Liz has been reviewing all of the laws that have been passed in Queens Park over the last few years and she discovered some of the hidden secrets that our provincial government does not want us to know. She told me about them and it scared me to death.

This website will share with you what I have learned about the shenanigans and in some cases the blatantly illegal stuff that goes on behind closed doors at Queens Park. It will poll you to find out our position on the key issues and it will tabulate these polls and send detailed reports in the form of petitions to make very clear to our elected leaders what we want them to do. They work for us, NOT the other way around!

Ontario is broken and it needs to be fixed. My hope is that LearnWhatMatters.Ca will become a beacon to my fellow residents of this wonderful province and help activate and mobilize us as a group to effect change. Together we can identify our problems, brainstorm solutions,  and then petition local government to make change!
A change WILL only happen if WE make it happen!
Thanks so much for visiting, 
Lionel Poizner
Founder of
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